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郑海峰,森林与景观生态学博士,四川人。2022年博士毕业于丹麦哥本哈根大学。研究兴趣主要是全球气候变化背景下土壤微生物和酶调节的森林土壤碳固存。目前已在Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Ecosystems, Geoderma 等国际主流期刊上发表SCI论文17篇(其中第一作者6篇)。












(1) Zheng, H.; Vesterdal, L.; Schmidt, I.; Rousk, J. Ecoenzymatic Stoichiometry Can Reflect Microbial Resource Limitation, Substrate Quality, or Both in Forest Soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2022, 167, 108613.

(2) Zheng, H.; Heděnec, P.; Rousk, J.; Schmidt, I.; Peng, Y.; Vesterdal, L. Effects of Common European Tree Species on Soil Microbial Resource Limitation, Microbial Communities and Soil Carbon. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2022, 172, 108754.

(3) Wang, S.; Mori, T.; Zou, S.; Zheng, H.; Heděnec, P.; Zhu, Y.; Wang, W.; Li, A.; Liu 刘, N. 楠; Jian, S.; Liu, Z.; Tan, X.; Mo, J.; Zhang, W. Changes in Vegetation Types Affect Soil Microbial Communities in Tropical Islands of Southern China. Global Ecology and Conservation 2022, 37, e02162.

(4) Peng, Y.; Holmstrup, M.; Schmidt, I.; Bachega, L.; Schelfhout, S.; Zheng, H.; Heděnec, P.; Yue, K.; Vesterdal, L. Tree Species Identity Is the Predominant Modulator of the Effects of Soil Fauna on Leaf Litter Decomposition. Forest Ecology and Management 2022, 520, 120396.

(5) Zheng, H.; Chen, Y.; Liu, Y.; Heděnec, P.; Peng, Y.; Xu, Z.; Tan, B.; Zhang, L.; Guo, L.; Wang, L.; Vesterdal, L. Effects of Litter Quality Diminish and Effects of Vegetation Type Develop During Litter Decomposition of Two Shrub Species in an Alpine Treeline Ecotone. Ecosystems 2021, 24.

(6) Wang, L.; Chen, Y.; Zhou, Y.; Zheng, H.; Xu, Z.; Tan, B.; You, C.; Zhang, L.; Li, H.; Guo, L.; Wang, L.-X.; Huang, Y.; Zhang, J.; Liu, Y. Litter Chemical Traits Strongly Drove the Carbon Fractions Loss during Decomposition across an Alpine Treeline Ecotone. Science of The Total Environment 2021, 753, 142287.

(7) Wang, L.; Chen, Y.; Zhou, Y.; Xu, Z.; Tan, B.; You, C.; Zhang, L.; Li, H.; Zheng, H.; Guo, L.; Wang, L.-X.; Huang, Y.; Zhang, J.; Liu, Y. Environmental Conditions and Litter Nutrients Are Key Determinants of Soluble C, N, and P Release during Litter Mixture Decomposition. Soil and Tillage Research 2021, 209, 104928.

(8) Peng, Y.; Holmstrup, M.; Schmidt, I.; De Schrijver, A.; Schelfhout, S.; Heděnec, P.; Zheng, H.; Bachega, L.; Yue, K.; Vesterdal, L. Litter Quality, Mycorrhizal Association, and Soil Properties Regulate Effects of Tree Species on the Soil Fauna Community. Geoderma 2021, 407, 115570.

(9) Chen, Y.; Zhang, J.; Liu, Y.; Wang, L.; Zheng, H. Effects of Single Plant Functional Type Loss on Microbial Community Composition and Litter Decomposition in an Alpine Timberline Ecotone. European Journal of Soil Biology 2021.

(10) Shen, X.; Chen, Y.; Wang, L.; Guo, L.; Zheng, H.; Zhang, J.; Xu, Z.; Tan, B.; Zhang, L.; Li, H.; You, C.; Liu, Y. Mixture of Plant Functional Groups Inhibits the Release of Multiple Metallic Elements during Litter Decomposition in Alpine Timberline Ecotone. Science of The Total Environment 2020, 747, 141298.

(11) Peng, Y.; Schmidt, I. K.; Zheng, H.; Heděnec, P.; Bachega, L. R.; Yue, K.; Wu, F.; Vesterdal, L. Tree Species Effects on Topsoil Carbon Stock and Concentration Are Mediated by Tree Species Type, Mycorrhizal Association, and N-Fixing Ability at the Global Scale. Forest Ecology and Management 2020, 478, 118510.

(12) Heděnec, P.; Nilsson, L. O.; Zheng, H.; Gundersen, P.; Schmidt, I.; Rousk, J.; Vesterdal, L. Mycorrhizal Association of Common European Tree Species Shapes Biomass and Metabolic Activity of Bacterial and Fungal Communities in Soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 2020, 149, 107933.

(13) Zheng, H.; Liu, Y.; Chen, Y.; Zhang, J.; Li, H.; Wang, L.; Chen, Q. Short-Term Warming Shifts Microbial Nutrient Limitation without Changing the Bacterial Community Structure in an Alpine Timberline of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau. Geoderma 2019, 320, 113985.

(14) Liu, Y.; Chen, Q.; Wang, Z.; Zheng, H.; Chen, Y.; Chen, X.; Wang, L.; Li, H.; Zhang, J. Nitrogen Addition Alleviates Microbial Nitrogen Limitations and Promotes Soil Respiration in a Subalpine Coniferous Forest. Forests 2019, 10, 1038.

(15) Zheng, H.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, J.; Chen, Y.; Yang, L.; Li, H.; Wang, L. Factors Influencing Soil Enzyme Activity in China’s Forest Ecosystems. Plant Ecology 2018, 219.

(16) Zheng, H.; Chen, Y.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, J.; Wanqin, Y.; Yang, L.; Li, H.; Wang, L.; Wu, F.; Guo, L. Litter Quality Drives the Differentiation of Microbial Communities in the Litter Horizon across an Alpine Treeline Ecotone in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau. Scientific Reports 2018, 8.

(17) Wang, L.; Zhang, J.; He, R.; Chen, Y.; Yang, L.; Zheng, H.; Li, H.; Xiao, J.; Liu, Y. Impacts of Soil Fauna on Lignin and Cellulose Degradation in Litter Decomposition across an Alpine Forest-Tundra Ecotone. European Journal of Soil Biology 2018, 87, 53–60.